Thank you for your interest in The Falabella Stable! We invite all of you to inform us about your projects and stories, whether they’re finished or still in progress. We’d love to hear about you as well!
Please do keep in mind we’re not a photo book service - we carefully select the projects we choose to publish. We’re not looking for compilations of your work, instead, we’d like to see stories or concepts, carefully thought through.
We find it important to review all submissions and requests. To keep things fair and chaos-free, we’d like to ask you to prepare your submission a little bit. Consider this extra homework as a time to reflect on what you've made.
It’d be lovely to receive a simple and clear PDF, whilst keeping these things in mind:
- a maximum of 20 photos
- some words about you, your work and your life
- some words about your project or series; why you made it, how you see the next step
Please send all submissions to [email protected]
We’ll get back in touch with you soon - thank you for your patience.
The Falabella Stable xo